Banksy and Gursky reconciled!
Banksy: anonymous revolutionary street artist. Has made a mockery of the contemporary art market on several occasions. Renowned for his now iconic images, notably “Girl with Balloon”.
Andreas Gursky: internationally acclaimed German photographer renowned for his large-scale composite images. Sold at auction, they often sell for several million dollars, each time breaking the last record (see Andreas Gursky 99_Cent_II_Diptychon).
“Banksy, Gursky, Banksy, Gursky, Banksy, Gursky…”
Try to repeat both names quickly. The rhyme almost works, but yet, it doesn’t. It’s a little unsettling. Of course, on the surface they have nothing in common, and their names don’t even rhyme! But, they can be reconciled.
By purchasing one of the photomontages below for 4.99 million dollars or more (i.e., more than Andreas Gursky’s record of 4.34 million dollars).
These works were created using images from a teleshopping ad for a miraculous vibrating anti-cellulite belt!
At a time when contemporary art market prices are soaring to an all-time high, isn’t it time to reach new heights?? And so tighten auction house belts?
Mixing the dazzling colors of mass consumption as seen on a TV screen with fistfuls of dollars thrown to the wind, this photo series celebrates Banksy’s facetious habit of thumbing his nose at the contemporary art market.
But, puzzled, you may ask “why pay more?”
To help Andreas Gursky feel less alone.
To avenge Banksy after the incomplete destruction of Girl with Balloon in 2018.
So they could have a good laugh together.
And so we could all have a laugh at the contemporary art market’s jokes.
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